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Dining Services

The Academy offers a daily hot lunch program representing a nutritional and healthy balance of protein, carbohydrate, and fruits and vegetables with milk or water and a dessert. Entrees and sides are determined based upon student eating habits. Lunch meals are not included in the cost of tuition,. For an additional cost, students in middle and upper school may purchase sodas, additional desserts, and snacks as part of a morning break period.


A cold tray is available upon request or in the instance of a "forgotten" lunch. The tray includes a ham-and-cheese on white bread, fresh raw vegetables with ranch dressing, apple sauce, potato chips, cookie, and milk or water.


The current lunch menu is listed below. Daily substitutions may occur due to supply chain issues. In the event of a two-hour delay, the lunch is chicken nuggets and French fries.

(757) 653-2512

26495 Old Plank Road,  Courtland VA 23837

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